Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bottle Cap Crafts!

So in avoidance of OT school projects.. I've done a bit of bottle cap crafting!! Here are my two projects, both representing schools near and dear to my friends' hearts.


How to make art from Bottle Caps!!

For the board, I used plywood from Lowe's. It was initially a 4' x 2' board, but my manly boyfriend cut it down to size for me. 

I sanded the top of the board and edges and then painted the boards their respective color. I just used regular acrylic paint that costs $0.67 from Hobby Lobby!

For the 'M' board, I traced and painted the letter first. And then I taped off the boarder to get the perfectly straight lines:

Once I was done painting, I laid out the bottle caps on the boards.....

And went to gluing.... To glue, I used a hot melt glue gun and applied glue around the edges of each of the caps. FYI, you will no longer have finger prints at the conclusion of the project. 

And ta-da!! You have bottle cap art to commemorate your best parties :) 


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